just kidding i didn't actually win any awards. in anything. although i should really win an award for doing my reading for new testament way early. it's not even 10 and it's already done. i know that you would never see the day but it's definitely here.
sorry that i can't make it to thanksgiving in redlands. band is trying to take away my holidays but i won't let it bring me down. i'll be thinking of you julie on thanksgiving.
um, i have to say that tomorrow is going to be pretty swank. i don't have to think about my english 311 class until i try to rewrite my proposal, and then i guess that the research paper rough draft is due on the 26th. aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! so i don't have to go to class until 9 but i have to bring chocolate milk because it's a party day.
on tuesday i don't have class until 10, but i get done at 12. that really sucks because if it was a regular day then i could be done by 11. oh well. the other thing that really sucks is that i have to have a drumline sectional.
so i guess on wednesday i'm going to go and stay with my sister and chill for thanksgiving. but the thing that i'm really excited about is that when i come back on friday i'm gonna go up to salt lake with some friends and we're going to see a movie and watch them turn the lights on at temple square. that should be so awesome. i'm really excited about it.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
hhhmmm. . . what do i do now?
so um, i guess that i have a story to tell and i want to know what you all think about it. any advice would be welcome.
so last night i got a ride home. while on the ride home said driver says something along the lines of i like you. he also says something along the lines of he's sorry that he keeps making fun of me for living in iowa, the fact that i don't have a car, i don't have an ipod, or a cellular device. so at the end of ride home he asks me if i need anything and if i do to just tell him. so i proceed to get out of the car and then he says to me hey i love you and i'll see you later. so i told him i love you and i'll see you on thursday.
so what do i make of this situation. i think that he was just being a nice guy, but i don't think that he was being very serious. however, i think that he just recently got out of a relationship, but i don't want to be the booty call. i personally think that he was just kidding but i'm very curious about what you guys think on the subject. obviously i'm not very hip on the dating scene. i just don't want to wreck a cool friendship but then again, i think that this guy is all around full of awesome. any help would be great. tell me your various interpretations of the scene, and then we'll roll from there. i'll be back for comments in the next couple of days.
so i think that i'll see you sucka foos later. make it happen cap'n
so last night i got a ride home. while on the ride home said driver says something along the lines of i like you. he also says something along the lines of he's sorry that he keeps making fun of me for living in iowa, the fact that i don't have a car, i don't have an ipod, or a cellular device. so at the end of ride home he asks me if i need anything and if i do to just tell him. so i proceed to get out of the car and then he says to me hey i love you and i'll see you later. so i told him i love you and i'll see you on thursday.
so what do i make of this situation. i think that he was just being a nice guy, but i don't think that he was being very serious. however, i think that he just recently got out of a relationship, but i don't want to be the booty call. i personally think that he was just kidding but i'm very curious about what you guys think on the subject. obviously i'm not very hip on the dating scene. i just don't want to wreck a cool friendship but then again, i think that this guy is all around full of awesome. any help would be great. tell me your various interpretations of the scene, and then we'll roll from there. i'll be back for comments in the next couple of days.
so i think that i'll see you sucka foos later. make it happen cap'n
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
the lone ranger. . .
there is no specific reason why i decided to call this post the lone ranger. . .but i just liked the name. i guess that you could say that i'm toughing it out on a couch in holly and caleb's living room, but lets face it, it's a couch, and i have to register so i'm gonna spend the night here.
i have to say that this day has truly been a never ending one. it all started at the my studying for a midterm before my classes today. thankfully there was no eight am class, but i had the midterm at 10 and dance class at nine.
last night i went to a dance lab because i was under the impression that i was going to participate at dance sport this weekend, but my partner didn't show up last night, and this morning i was like, i don't really care anymore, i honestly don't really have time to do this. so i spent the whole day in a skirt because we had to dress nice for our mock competition in dance.
then i proceeded to my midterm. i think i did a lot better on this one than on the first one. it was about post structuralist and poetry. really it all boiled down to deconstructionism. no matter what though, keith johnson is my favorite teacher.
those were really the most exciting events of the school day. i then proceeded home at one and had some lunch. i then thought that i would like to do some homework, but i really didn't feel like reading about wynton marsalis and why he didn't like fusion or free jazz, and i also didn't feel like writing a new testament paper. yeah, now that i think back on it, i really might have done things different but oh well. i then took a two hour nap interrupted with phone calls for an application that i don't even know what it's for.
so it was four when i rolled out of the top bunk and i cleaned part of my room so i could find some missing papers, which i did find, but then i decided it was time for guitar class, so i took my guitar and filled my school bag with my guitar books and my binder, and my wynton marsalis books. i didn't even know that that many books actually fit into my bag. but now i am here at holly and caleb's sitting on there couch waiting for the midnight hour to roll around so that i can register for my classes.
don't worry guys, tomorrow will be just as stressfull for me. i have to meet with my english 311 teachers and discuss my wynton marsalis paper with them, and then i'm going to go home for i think around two and a half hours. then i will walk back to holly and calebs and memorize my music, and go to the game. it should be pretty swankin. i gotta peace out sucka foos but i hope you enjoyed the many events of my lone ranger post.
i have to say that this day has truly been a never ending one. it all started at the my studying for a midterm before my classes today. thankfully there was no eight am class, but i had the midterm at 10 and dance class at nine.
last night i went to a dance lab because i was under the impression that i was going to participate at dance sport this weekend, but my partner didn't show up last night, and this morning i was like, i don't really care anymore, i honestly don't really have time to do this. so i spent the whole day in a skirt because we had to dress nice for our mock competition in dance.
then i proceeded to my midterm. i think i did a lot better on this one than on the first one. it was about post structuralist and poetry. really it all boiled down to deconstructionism. no matter what though, keith johnson is my favorite teacher.
those were really the most exciting events of the school day. i then proceeded home at one and had some lunch. i then thought that i would like to do some homework, but i really didn't feel like reading about wynton marsalis and why he didn't like fusion or free jazz, and i also didn't feel like writing a new testament paper. yeah, now that i think back on it, i really might have done things different but oh well. i then took a two hour nap interrupted with phone calls for an application that i don't even know what it's for.
so it was four when i rolled out of the top bunk and i cleaned part of my room so i could find some missing papers, which i did find, but then i decided it was time for guitar class, so i took my guitar and filled my school bag with my guitar books and my binder, and my wynton marsalis books. i didn't even know that that many books actually fit into my bag. but now i am here at holly and caleb's sitting on there couch waiting for the midnight hour to roll around so that i can register for my classes.
don't worry guys, tomorrow will be just as stressfull for me. i have to meet with my english 311 teachers and discuss my wynton marsalis paper with them, and then i'm going to go home for i think around two and a half hours. then i will walk back to holly and calebs and memorize my music, and go to the game. it should be pretty swankin. i gotta peace out sucka foos but i hope you enjoyed the many events of my lone ranger post.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
the funny happenings of two days
so i have to say that within the past two days not very many funny things have happened. but thing number A. while i was walking to my new testament class i saw bonnie the spandex girl. so didn't recognize me but she was still a spandex girl. eeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thing number B. yesterday i had to take a test for church history. but i forgot to bring my id with me to my classes that day so i went home and when i took the test i had to bring my guitar with me. it was so much of a hassle that i have to recommend to anyone that they should never take a guitar with them into the testing center. you get really funny looks and you have to sit in weird places.
thing number C. while walking home tonight i passed this girl who thought that she new me and so she stopped and talked to me and i went along with it but it is truly a moment that i won't forget.
thing number D. we started our music for our new show today, but nobody brought their music so we all just made it up. it was pretty funny. the new show is something about america so i'm sure that we're going to use the yankee doodle visual so it should be excellent.
uh i think that's all that i got other than i played mariokart for an hour last night with my fhe brothers and i did a really good job, it was pretty much amazing. my fhe brothers are the only group of freshmen guys in our ward, but some of them were pretty bad at it. it reminded me of me when i first started.
thing number B. yesterday i had to take a test for church history. but i forgot to bring my id with me to my classes that day so i went home and when i took the test i had to bring my guitar with me. it was so much of a hassle that i have to recommend to anyone that they should never take a guitar with them into the testing center. you get really funny looks and you have to sit in weird places.
thing number C. while walking home tonight i passed this girl who thought that she new me and so she stopped and talked to me and i went along with it but it is truly a moment that i won't forget.
thing number D. we started our music for our new show today, but nobody brought their music so we all just made it up. it was pretty funny. the new show is something about america so i'm sure that we're going to use the yankee doodle visual so it should be excellent.
uh i think that's all that i got other than i played mariokart for an hour last night with my fhe brothers and i did a really good job, it was pretty much amazing. my fhe brothers are the only group of freshmen guys in our ward, but some of them were pretty bad at it. it reminded me of me when i first started.
Friday, September 28, 2007
the office and drumline magic
i have to say that the office season premiere is the best thing ever. kevin is my favorite in the episode. he has a lot of better lines this year. i can't wait to see what the rest of the season has for kevin. i also can't wait to see where the pam and jim go this season. all i can say is that it's going to be good.
i must encourage all of you to come and watch us at the rocky mountain show on october the 9th i think. but you should come just to watch the cymbal visuals. i guarantee that it will be something that you won't forget and it will involve visuals like slapping peoples bottoms to an atomic explosion. we have even cut some of the music we play to just do visuals. it is totally awesome. things are going well in drumline i was shunned today because i don't know how long the women's conference is. apparently i look so responsible that everyone assumes that i know everything, but i don't know. assuming is a bad thing and it makes a something out of you and me.
caleb, i'm sorry. i have already started a novel instead of waiting till november. don't hold it against me, but i'm going to continue with this novel because i think that it is going somewhere.
i gotta piece sucka foos but i'll be back on sunday.
i must encourage all of you to come and watch us at the rocky mountain show on october the 9th i think. but you should come just to watch the cymbal visuals. i guarantee that it will be something that you won't forget and it will involve visuals like slapping peoples bottoms to an atomic explosion. we have even cut some of the music we play to just do visuals. it is totally awesome. things are going well in drumline i was shunned today because i don't know how long the women's conference is. apparently i look so responsible that everyone assumes that i know everything, but i don't know. assuming is a bad thing and it makes a something out of you and me.
caleb, i'm sorry. i have already started a novel instead of waiting till november. don't hold it against me, but i'm going to continue with this novel because i think that it is going somewhere.
i gotta piece sucka foos but i'll be back on sunday.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
dougnuts and the almighty boy challenges
hey everybody. it's been what-- since last april. well guess what: i'm back and probably better than ever.
first of all i have a huge announcement: my home back in iowa is getting internet tomorrow morning at eight a.m!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you know what that means, there will never be another summer like last summer. i won't have to go to the library whenever i want to talk to you guys. it will be a summer nobody will forget.
now i realize that you all might be wondering about the title of this post. dougnuts and the almighty boy challenge. i believe that i should call it the almighty boy challenge of doom but that makes it sound ominous when i haven't really done a challenge yet that is ominous, but i suppose that there is always tomorrow; but first- the doughnuts.
i have determined that every year for christmas that i should buy a box of krispy kreme original doughnuts for caleb and holly for pretty much changing my doughnut eating life. all other doughnuts that i have ever had pale in comparision to the krispy kreme.
now for the almighty boy challenge of doom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
elizabeth and i have decided that we want or would fancy the idea of boyfriends this year. we have started challenging each other to do things to get boys to talk to us. the reasons we are doing this is to reduce our fall back status(if you don't know what a fall back is i guess i'll explain at the bottom), and of course for the pleasure of having a boyfriend.
i completed my first challenge that elizabeth assigned me today: i invited a boy that reasonably good looking to be my friend on the facebook. not so ominous.
however challenge number two(which i doubt will happen because i won't see this person tomorrow): give griffin christmas a compliment on monday the 17th if i see him. so unless there is some sort of divine providence that happens and i see him tomorrow, this challenge will never be completed. elizabeth is convinced that he would be the perfect man for me, but the fact that i would have to fight my way through about a hundred, no maybe a trillion other girls to get him really isn't all that fun sounding. so i guess in a way, if i actually do this challenge it could be ominous because i could be making lots of girls mad at me.
my first challenge for elizabeth was for her to ask someone on a date, but she said i should start small so in the end i just decided for her to add someone as a friend on facebook as well. if you have any ideas for a challenge please comment on this post. i would love the input.
*fall backs are girls that are the guys cool best friends but nothing more, but the line i would love to deliver would be: yeah, i know i'm cool. . . but i wanna make out with you.
peace out.
first of all i have a huge announcement: my home back in iowa is getting internet tomorrow morning at eight a.m!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you know what that means, there will never be another summer like last summer. i won't have to go to the library whenever i want to talk to you guys. it will be a summer nobody will forget.
now i realize that you all might be wondering about the title of this post. dougnuts and the almighty boy challenge. i believe that i should call it the almighty boy challenge of doom but that makes it sound ominous when i haven't really done a challenge yet that is ominous, but i suppose that there is always tomorrow; but first- the doughnuts.
i have determined that every year for christmas that i should buy a box of krispy kreme original doughnuts for caleb and holly for pretty much changing my doughnut eating life. all other doughnuts that i have ever had pale in comparision to the krispy kreme.
now for the almighty boy challenge of doom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
elizabeth and i have decided that we want or would fancy the idea of boyfriends this year. we have started challenging each other to do things to get boys to talk to us. the reasons we are doing this is to reduce our fall back status(if you don't know what a fall back is i guess i'll explain at the bottom), and of course for the pleasure of having a boyfriend.
i completed my first challenge that elizabeth assigned me today: i invited a boy that reasonably good looking to be my friend on the facebook. not so ominous.
however challenge number two(which i doubt will happen because i won't see this person tomorrow): give griffin christmas a compliment on monday the 17th if i see him. so unless there is some sort of divine providence that happens and i see him tomorrow, this challenge will never be completed. elizabeth is convinced that he would be the perfect man for me, but the fact that i would have to fight my way through about a hundred, no maybe a trillion other girls to get him really isn't all that fun sounding. so i guess in a way, if i actually do this challenge it could be ominous because i could be making lots of girls mad at me.
my first challenge for elizabeth was for her to ask someone on a date, but she said i should start small so in the end i just decided for her to add someone as a friend on facebook as well. if you have any ideas for a challenge please comment on this post. i would love the input.
*fall backs are girls that are the guys cool best friends but nothing more, but the line i would love to deliver would be: yeah, i know i'm cool. . . but i wanna make out with you.
peace out.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
the utah mormon
have you ever noticed that sometimes the people from utah try to treat the rest of us like we're crap because we didn't grow up here and because we're different? they seem to think that the things we do are heathen because they are different than what they did, and if we didn't enjoy all of our life up to this very second we must have had the wrong attitude. i really don't understand how these people live with themselves.
if growing up in a different town is a sin than mark me down as guilty. this is one sin that i am thankful that i commited however. i would never trade my real world experience for their naivitae. i would rather be able to talk to people and be happy to be myself than act the role of moment.
i'm not saying that all utah people are like this, it's just that i'm tired of taking the crap from people like this. i understand that their life has been totally different than mine and that their trials are going to be different than mine, but until they learn to accept the fact that we're different there is a part of me that will pity them. in the end all that matters is that we're all trying to make it to the same place so good luck to all.
if growing up in a different town is a sin than mark me down as guilty. this is one sin that i am thankful that i commited however. i would never trade my real world experience for their naivitae. i would rather be able to talk to people and be happy to be myself than act the role of moment.
i'm not saying that all utah people are like this, it's just that i'm tired of taking the crap from people like this. i understand that their life has been totally different than mine and that their trials are going to be different than mine, but until they learn to accept the fact that we're different there is a part of me that will pity them. in the end all that matters is that we're all trying to make it to the same place so good luck to all.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
the last week in a freshman/sophomore life
so today was the end of classes and i must admit that although i am happy it is disheartening for the experience to be over. no matter how much i complained i guess that i did love my classes. i must also admit that mine and julie's room looked much more friendly with all of the glow in the dark stars up and with the pictures up on my wall. i guess that even that carpet that was moving to the door and julie's side of the room lit up my dorm life. it just doesn't seem like home with out it. i knew that i would take them down, but i never realized how startling an affect it had to take down my pictures.
as i look into the eyes of tomorrow, i know that it is sad right now, but it's on to bigger and better things than a dorm life. for instance: i won't have to share a bathroom with twenty people, the shower won't burn me as often as it does here, a living room to sit in instead of chilling in my room all day, being able to watch a movie and have people over to watch a movie any time we feel like it, no more visiting hours on sunday and wednesday, and lets not forget home cooking real food instead of the creamery hot dogs( not that they are bad, i just desire something of more sustinance).
as i look into the eyes of tomorrow, i know that it is sad right now, but it's on to bigger and better things than a dorm life. for instance: i won't have to share a bathroom with twenty people, the shower won't burn me as often as it does here, a living room to sit in instead of chilling in my room all day, being able to watch a movie and have people over to watch a movie any time we feel like it, no more visiting hours on sunday and wednesday, and lets not forget home cooking real food instead of the creamery hot dogs( not that they are bad, i just desire something of more sustinance).
Friday, April 13, 2007
the crapshoot of finals week
so i have recently decided that finals week and the weeks proceeding it are a crapshoot because
1. i haven't been able to practice percussion for the past week because i've been taking tests and crap like unto it. i try out in two weeks time. so in the next to weeks i'm going to eat sleep and breath percussion. this should be interesting. oh, and when i get home i only have one day to try out so i have to call my band director and get a pair of tenors for that day, and a videocamera, and a place to do my audition. i have to do this all over the phone and not in person. this should be interesting to say the least.
2. have you ever noticed that before you register for classes and you're online it all works great, high speed and everything. then midnight rolls around and what should happen? i'm stuck on a page for three minutes waiting for it to upload. plus the fact that one of the classes i wanted to take wasn't on the list when it should have been, and the fact that all of the latin dance classes were full. i was not excited.
3. just the whole idea of taking finals really doesn't excite me and i'm sure that when it is all over that i will be brain dead. just remember three finals down and four left to go.
4. sometime during all of this madness i have to start packing my stuff up. here's the thing. my stuff is all over the floor of our room. it's like a surging mass that is reaching for the middle of the room. i think that perhaps i should do laundry and maybe try to take care of business.
on an almost brighter note this is a story about an adventure at the creamery. so i ran out of deoderant and went to buy more and the only kind of girl deoderant that they have at the creamery is a kind that i'm allergic to. so it was either old spice or degree. i went for the degree and was standing in line in front of a group of guys and their reactions were priceless.
1. i haven't been able to practice percussion for the past week because i've been taking tests and crap like unto it. i try out in two weeks time. so in the next to weeks i'm going to eat sleep and breath percussion. this should be interesting. oh, and when i get home i only have one day to try out so i have to call my band director and get a pair of tenors for that day, and a videocamera, and a place to do my audition. i have to do this all over the phone and not in person. this should be interesting to say the least.
2. have you ever noticed that before you register for classes and you're online it all works great, high speed and everything. then midnight rolls around and what should happen? i'm stuck on a page for three minutes waiting for it to upload. plus the fact that one of the classes i wanted to take wasn't on the list when it should have been, and the fact that all of the latin dance classes were full. i was not excited.
3. just the whole idea of taking finals really doesn't excite me and i'm sure that when it is all over that i will be brain dead. just remember three finals down and four left to go.
4. sometime during all of this madness i have to start packing my stuff up. here's the thing. my stuff is all over the floor of our room. it's like a surging mass that is reaching for the middle of the room. i think that perhaps i should do laundry and maybe try to take care of business.
on an almost brighter note this is a story about an adventure at the creamery. so i ran out of deoderant and went to buy more and the only kind of girl deoderant that they have at the creamery is a kind that i'm allergic to. so it was either old spice or degree. i went for the degree and was standing in line in front of a group of guys and their reactions were priceless.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
the book of mormon test of a lifetime
today i went to my book of mormon class at eight. there are only 5 classes left, so i only have to wake up at 7:30 on quiz days for my other eight o'clock class. while there in class i also remembered that i had to take the test. suck it.
i then went and had some orange juice after class and was deciding whether or not to go to sociology. i didn't go to sociology, but i did my american heritage reading. that was really long. after that i went and started reading the chapters i would be tested over.
so i kept reading and everything, but i didn't read all of the chapters, but i also didn't follow the study guide at all, because since my last test i thought that it would be useless. i went and took the test and i got an 83%. that is a mondo improvement over my last test score. i'm so excited. if eternity is like one of his tests, i hope it's like this one, or that i'm finally getting better at understanding brother merrill.
peace out and check you all later.
holly, i can't wait to find out what we're doing on saturday!!!
i then went and had some orange juice after class and was deciding whether or not to go to sociology. i didn't go to sociology, but i did my american heritage reading. that was really long. after that i went and started reading the chapters i would be tested over.
so i kept reading and everything, but i didn't read all of the chapters, but i also didn't follow the study guide at all, because since my last test i thought that it would be useless. i went and took the test and i got an 83%. that is a mondo improvement over my last test score. i'm so excited. if eternity is like one of his tests, i hope it's like this one, or that i'm finally getting better at understanding brother merrill.
peace out and check you all later.
holly, i can't wait to find out what we're doing on saturday!!!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
forget music 202, book of mormon is the way to fail
so i took my three tests today and i think that i did relatively well on the first two. the third one, book of mormon, i'm pretty confident that, no i know, that i really bombed it. when i say really i mean really. book of mormon is the class that everyone should do good in. however; i seem to have a humbling experience everytime i take tests in that class. it would be really great if it was suppposed to be an object lesson, but something tells me that it's not. i wish that he would give us all a's and b's at the end of the semester, but the way that i'm going i'll be lucky if i get a b. i just can't believe how bad i'm getting owned by book of mormon.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
music 202 blows
so i'm pretty much going to explode after listening to haydn, mozart, bach, and beethoven. for the moment i hate classical music like a fat man hates vegtables. i wish that we could liven it up a bit with some comentary or something. when i follow the music along it really sucks. it makes me tired, or makes me type on my blog. in fact right now i'm listening to haydn string quartet op. 76 no. 3.
so julie and shelley i feel better.
the killer moment of the day was when i was in aerobics dance and i totally got sick and had to go puke. it was not very cool, but mostly i'm just glad that i didn't puke all over the place in front of everyone. that would have been really gross and embarrassing.
the killer moment of tomorrow is when i take my music id exam, and my american heritage test, and if i can fit it in, maybe a book of mormon exam as well, but that probably won't happen, so thursday it is. i'll tell you all how much of a killer it will be tomorrow, because that is all the information that i possess at this moment in time.
the good moment of the day was. . . i can't really think of any so i guess all around that today was a good day. i would say that i could use more days just like it, but i don't think i really do.
so julie and shelley i feel better.
the killer moment of the day was when i was in aerobics dance and i totally got sick and had to go puke. it was not very cool, but mostly i'm just glad that i didn't puke all over the place in front of everyone. that would have been really gross and embarrassing.
the killer moment of tomorrow is when i take my music id exam, and my american heritage test, and if i can fit it in, maybe a book of mormon exam as well, but that probably won't happen, so thursday it is. i'll tell you all how much of a killer it will be tomorrow, because that is all the information that i possess at this moment in time.
the good moment of the day was. . . i can't really think of any so i guess all around that today was a good day. i would say that i could use more days just like it, but i don't think i really do.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
the week to come
so i really have nothing to say except that i'm very sleep deprived. my goals for this week are
1. get more sleep. as much as i love staying up late but i really want to get more sleep even if that means coming home and taking a nap everyday.
2. to see tim make the moves on julie during the family home evening, or perhaps see the end happen even though nothing has happened. there seems to be something going on because we didn't see tim today, and when we see him he never says hi to julie. so we are going to see what happens on monday.
3. julie, i can guarentee that you're going to have a love note next week at ward prayer. the thing is that i can't really say who it's from because that would spoil the surprise. so just know that you're getting one and that we have to be at ward prayer next week.
4. phillip the dance teacher of a life time. i really want to get one of the balls or perhaps just an extra absense day. i could really use a phone number too. but let's face it... will i ever get it... nope. i could count on julie to get the phone number though and to face up to all my prediction that phillip will fall in love with julie.
and finally 5. i just can't believe that they let cry baby sandy back on. no she will not make it.
1. get more sleep. as much as i love staying up late but i really want to get more sleep even if that means coming home and taking a nap everyday.
2. to see tim make the moves on julie during the family home evening, or perhaps see the end happen even though nothing has happened. there seems to be something going on because we didn't see tim today, and when we see him he never says hi to julie. so we are going to see what happens on monday.
3. julie, i can guarentee that you're going to have a love note next week at ward prayer. the thing is that i can't really say who it's from because that would spoil the surprise. so just know that you're getting one and that we have to be at ward prayer next week.
4. phillip the dance teacher of a life time. i really want to get one of the balls or perhaps just an extra absense day. i could really use a phone number too. but let's face it... will i ever get it... nope. i could count on julie to get the phone number though and to face up to all my prediction that phillip will fall in love with julie.
and finally 5. i just can't believe that they let cry baby sandy back on. no she will not make it.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
american heritage
so i had my lab today and you know that they have the quiz at the beginning of the lab. i was the only person sitting at my table to ace it. it's all because i actually read the text.
i'm keeping the food journal for dance 130 and it's really weird because when i eat something i remind myself that i should write it down. i'm really looking forward to the waffles or pancakes that will be for dinner tonight and for the office right after it.
i'm attempting to read the the Gospels in the New Testament starting today. so far i finished matthew and started on mark. true, i'm only three chapters into mark, but it's a pretty good dent.
one of the best moments of my day was when i got a phone call at about eight o'clock while i'm reading the New Testament, and it's someone asking for margarita. i said i'm sorry but she doesn't live here. the person on the other end of the line proceeds to tell me that he's a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint's and if i knew anything about the church. i was smiling to myself because it just was funny. i told him that i was a member, and he said i figured since you live at dt, but i thought that i would ask anyways. there was then the akward silence on the other end of the line and i said bye! he then said bye and hung up. talk about one of the craziest phone calls.
hey julie, tomorrow i'm going with talmage to the planetarium, no not to the jazz concert.
that was just for you!
i'm keeping the food journal for dance 130 and it's really weird because when i eat something i remind myself that i should write it down. i'm really looking forward to the waffles or pancakes that will be for dinner tonight and for the office right after it.
i'm attempting to read the the Gospels in the New Testament starting today. so far i finished matthew and started on mark. true, i'm only three chapters into mark, but it's a pretty good dent.
one of the best moments of my day was when i got a phone call at about eight o'clock while i'm reading the New Testament, and it's someone asking for margarita. i said i'm sorry but she doesn't live here. the person on the other end of the line proceeds to tell me that he's a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint's and if i knew anything about the church. i was smiling to myself because it just was funny. i told him that i was a member, and he said i figured since you live at dt, but i thought that i would ask anyways. there was then the akward silence on the other end of the line and i said bye! he then said bye and hung up. talk about one of the craziest phone calls.
hey julie, tomorrow i'm going with talmage to the planetarium, no not to the jazz concert.
that was just for you!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
the miracle to end all miracles!
so last semester i didn't really open any of my books, or read them. i did really well for not looking at the books. one of my resolutions was to kind of read the books for class and see what will happen.
so today i started to read the american heritage stuff. i've also read my music 202 and 190. the only things that i haven't read yet are the sociology book and the dance 130 book. i am shocked and amazed that i could actually read after not reading for so long.
only one thing remains to be said: Sweet ruckus!
so today i started to read the american heritage stuff. i've also read my music 202 and 190. the only things that i haven't read yet are the sociology book and the dance 130 book. i am shocked and amazed that i could actually read after not reading for so long.
only one thing remains to be said: Sweet ruckus!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
i am fortunes fool!
today was just a really long day. i went to all my classes today, and nothing really interesting happened. as i got out of my sociology class i followed the huge crowd to the mariotte center. it was like a path and it was really funny to follow all the people strait to the devotional.
after that i went home and took a two hour nap. that was pretty amazing so now i could actually pay attention to my homework.
as a return to the dance 130 teacher. he actually has a facebook. it was really funny because now after class is over julie can start up the relationship. i expect to be invited to the wedding.
why am i fortune's fool you may ask? the answer is that i get to go and see my grandma at the end of the semester, and i get to try out for drumline. what more could i ask for. (i'm sure there is a lot more, but i'm writing this to humor Caleb). that's about all i got to say, so peace out caleb, i know i didn't write anything particularly good, but i hope you enjoy the blog caleb.
to make it interesting you could write what you think would make me fortunes fool, and you could even make up a ficticious story( that's for you Julie)! i'm waiting and very interested to read what you all have to write.
after that i went home and took a two hour nap. that was pretty amazing so now i could actually pay attention to my homework.
as a return to the dance 130 teacher. he actually has a facebook. it was really funny because now after class is over julie can start up the relationship. i expect to be invited to the wedding.
why am i fortune's fool you may ask? the answer is that i get to go and see my grandma at the end of the semester, and i get to try out for drumline. what more could i ask for. (i'm sure there is a lot more, but i'm writing this to humor Caleb). that's about all i got to say, so peace out caleb, i know i didn't write anything particularly good, but i hope you enjoy the blog caleb.
to make it interesting you could write what you think would make me fortunes fool, and you could even make up a ficticious story( that's for you Julie)! i'm waiting and very interested to read what you all have to write.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
the truth about dance 130
truth number 1. our teacher in dance 130 is 22, unmarried, athletic, and should basically fall in love with Julie.
truth number 2. every girl in the class is basically in love with him, but it's really funny to watch them all make fools of themselves in front of him.
truth number 3. it's an intense workout especially when at the beginning of the class i do 50 sit ups, and then i do the workout.
truth number 4. i think that julie, shelley, and i will be feeling the burn in our abs tomorrow. that doesn't really excite me.
and on a side note. . . . i filled out the intent to audition form for next years drumline. hopefully i'll make it because it could be so fun, and just a real challenge compared to drumline in high school.
truth number 2. every girl in the class is basically in love with him, but it's really funny to watch them all make fools of themselves in front of him.
truth number 3. it's an intense workout especially when at the beginning of the class i do 50 sit ups, and then i do the workout.
truth number 4. i think that julie, shelley, and i will be feeling the burn in our abs tomorrow. that doesn't really excite me.
and on a side note. . . . i filled out the intent to audition form for next years drumline. hopefully i'll make it because it could be so fun, and just a real challenge compared to drumline in high school.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Everybody's free to wear sunscreen
so i made julie listen to the song everybody's free to wear sunscreen. there are so many important things that are said in that song. now we are going to listen to the music for class tomorrow. we also did an insanely large number of push ups. all in all it was a good day today.
The shout out of the day goes to that percussion kid. while i was waiting for sociology class today i sat down next to this kid who was sorting through music. i looked at the music and saw that it was snare drum music, plus i had also played lots of those songs so i was looking at the parts and then i looked up and he was giving me this look like what are you doing? i smiled and then started reading a book. it was one of the most akward moments of my life.
The shout out of the day goes to that percussion kid. while i was waiting for sociology class today i sat down next to this kid who was sorting through music. i looked at the music and saw that it was snare drum music, plus i had also played lots of those songs so i was looking at the parts and then i looked up and he was giving me this look like what are you doing? i smiled and then started reading a book. it was one of the most akward moments of my life.
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