Friday, April 13, 2007

the crapshoot of finals week

so i have recently decided that finals week and the weeks proceeding it are a crapshoot because
1. i haven't been able to practice percussion for the past week because i've been taking tests and crap like unto it. i try out in two weeks time. so in the next to weeks i'm going to eat sleep and breath percussion. this should be interesting. oh, and when i get home i only have one day to try out so i have to call my band director and get a pair of tenors for that day, and a videocamera, and a place to do my audition. i have to do this all over the phone and not in person. this should be interesting to say the least.
2. have you ever noticed that before you register for classes and you're online it all works great, high speed and everything. then midnight rolls around and what should happen? i'm stuck on a page for three minutes waiting for it to upload. plus the fact that one of the classes i wanted to take wasn't on the list when it should have been, and the fact that all of the latin dance classes were full. i was not excited.
3. just the whole idea of taking finals really doesn't excite me and i'm sure that when it is all over that i will be brain dead. just remember three finals down and four left to go.
4. sometime during all of this madness i have to start packing my stuff up. here's the thing. my stuff is all over the floor of our room. it's like a surging mass that is reaching for the middle of the room. i think that perhaps i should do laundry and maybe try to take care of business.

on an almost brighter note this is a story about an adventure at the creamery. so i ran out of deoderant and went to buy more and the only kind of girl deoderant that they have at the creamery is a kind that i'm allergic to. so it was either old spice or degree. i went for the degree and was standing in line in front of a group of guys and their reactions were priceless.

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