Sunday, January 28, 2007

the week to come

so i really have nothing to say except that i'm very sleep deprived. my goals for this week are
1. get more sleep. as much as i love staying up late but i really want to get more sleep even if that means coming home and taking a nap everyday.
2. to see tim make the moves on julie during the family home evening, or perhaps see the end happen even though nothing has happened. there seems to be something going on because we didn't see tim today, and when we see him he never says hi to julie. so we are going to see what happens on monday.
3. julie, i can guarentee that you're going to have a love note next week at ward prayer. the thing is that i can't really say who it's from because that would spoil the surprise. so just know that you're getting one and that we have to be at ward prayer next week.
4. phillip the dance teacher of a life time. i really want to get one of the balls or perhaps just an extra absense day. i could really use a phone number too. but let's face it... will i ever get it... nope. i could count on julie to get the phone number though and to face up to all my prediction that phillip will fall in love with julie.
and finally 5. i just can't believe that they let cry baby sandy back on. no she will not make it.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

american heritage

so i had my lab today and you know that they have the quiz at the beginning of the lab. i was the only person sitting at my table to ace it. it's all because i actually read the text.
i'm keeping the food journal for dance 130 and it's really weird because when i eat something i remind myself that i should write it down. i'm really looking forward to the waffles or pancakes that will be for dinner tonight and for the office right after it.
i'm attempting to read the the Gospels in the New Testament starting today. so far i finished matthew and started on mark. true, i'm only three chapters into mark, but it's a pretty good dent.
one of the best moments of my day was when i got a phone call at about eight o'clock while i'm reading the New Testament, and it's someone asking for margarita. i said i'm sorry but she doesn't live here. the person on the other end of the line proceeds to tell me that he's a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint's and if i knew anything about the church. i was smiling to myself because it just was funny. i told him that i was a member, and he said i figured since you live at dt, but i thought that i would ask anyways. there was then the akward silence on the other end of the line and i said bye! he then said bye and hung up. talk about one of the craziest phone calls.
hey julie, tomorrow i'm going with talmage to the planetarium, no not to the jazz concert.
that was just for you!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

the miracle to end all miracles!

so last semester i didn't really open any of my books, or read them. i did really well for not looking at the books. one of my resolutions was to kind of read the books for class and see what will happen.
so today i started to read the american heritage stuff. i've also read my music 202 and 190. the only things that i haven't read yet are the sociology book and the dance 130 book. i am shocked and amazed that i could actually read after not reading for so long.
only one thing remains to be said: Sweet ruckus!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

i am fortunes fool!

today was just a really long day. i went to all my classes today, and nothing really interesting happened. as i got out of my sociology class i followed the huge crowd to the mariotte center. it was like a path and it was really funny to follow all the people strait to the devotional.
after that i went home and took a two hour nap. that was pretty amazing so now i could actually pay attention to my homework.
as a return to the dance 130 teacher. he actually has a facebook. it was really funny because now after class is over julie can start up the relationship. i expect to be invited to the wedding.
why am i fortune's fool you may ask? the answer is that i get to go and see my grandma at the end of the semester, and i get to try out for drumline. what more could i ask for. (i'm sure there is a lot more, but i'm writing this to humor Caleb). that's about all i got to say, so peace out caleb, i know i didn't write anything particularly good, but i hope you enjoy the blog caleb.
to make it interesting you could write what you think would make me fortunes fool, and you could even make up a ficticious story( that's for you Julie)! i'm waiting and very interested to read what you all have to write.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

the truth about dance 130

truth number 1. our teacher in dance 130 is 22, unmarried, athletic, and should basically fall in love with Julie.
truth number 2. every girl in the class is basically in love with him, but it's really funny to watch them all make fools of themselves in front of him.
truth number 3. it's an intense workout especially when at the beginning of the class i do 50 sit ups, and then i do the workout.
truth number 4. i think that julie, shelley, and i will be feeling the burn in our abs tomorrow. that doesn't really excite me.
and on a side note. . . . i filled out the intent to audition form for next years drumline. hopefully i'll make it because it could be so fun, and just a real challenge compared to drumline in high school.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Everybody's free to wear sunscreen

so i made julie listen to the song everybody's free to wear sunscreen. there are so many important things that are said in that song. now we are going to listen to the music for class tomorrow. we also did an insanely large number of push ups. all in all it was a good day today.
The shout out of the day goes to that percussion kid. while i was waiting for sociology class today i sat down next to this kid who was sorting through music. i looked at the music and saw that it was snare drum music, plus i had also played lots of those songs so i was looking at the parts and then i looked up and he was giving me this look like what are you doing? i smiled and then started reading a book. it was one of the most akward moments of my life.