Tuesday, January 16, 2007

i am fortunes fool!

today was just a really long day. i went to all my classes today, and nothing really interesting happened. as i got out of my sociology class i followed the huge crowd to the mariotte center. it was like a path and it was really funny to follow all the people strait to the devotional.
after that i went home and took a two hour nap. that was pretty amazing so now i could actually pay attention to my homework.
as a return to the dance 130 teacher. he actually has a facebook. it was really funny because now after class is over julie can start up the relationship. i expect to be invited to the wedding.
why am i fortune's fool you may ask? the answer is that i get to go and see my grandma at the end of the semester, and i get to try out for drumline. what more could i ask for. (i'm sure there is a lot more, but i'm writing this to humor Caleb). that's about all i got to say, so peace out caleb, i know i didn't write anything particularly good, but i hope you enjoy the blog caleb.
to make it interesting you could write what you think would make me fortunes fool, and you could even make up a ficticious story( that's for you Julie)! i'm waiting and very interested to read what you all have to write.

1 comment:

Holly F. said...

Roxy is fortune's fool because she cannot understand how she made it into the final 32 on American Idol when she didn't even audition. I think it's more fortune than fool, but...